Blueye Pioneer underwater drone
The next generation underwater drone

Groundbreaking technology to get your eyes below the water surface, the Blueye drone offers exception user experience and performance.
With an ingenious plug and play concept, you are ready to dive within minutes. Discover the unknown and identify problems before any incidents happen. No need to wait for divers or ROV operators, simply take your own eyes below the surface.
The hull surface condition substantially impacts a ship’s energy efficiency. It is the responsibility of the vessel operator to keep the vessel’s hull and other underwater parts free from fouling. With our Blueye Pioneer underwater drone, we can perform your hull surface inspections.
The Blueye Pioneer underwater drone is designed to satisfy industrial reliability requirements for underwater operations.

- Reduces risk
- Improved vessel efficiency
- Saving on expensive diver costs
- Portable and quick to deploy, anywhere, any time
- Efficient and inexpensive
- No extensive planning needed
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NovaMarine accreditations
Providing the best
View our complete Tcertified Due Diligence report here.
We have robust in house anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and insist on transparency in all our dealings. We are TRACE certified.
- Across the board transparency
- Constant lines of communication
- Complete support & documentation
The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is a formal process of assessing and recognising whether a conformity assessment body that offers services is competent to provide such services.
NovaMarine’s fire station is SANAS accredited which allows for high pressure testing and inspections.