Chandling services
Discover excellence
As suppliers of victuals to the shipping industry, NovaMarine’s proficient staff are trained to make the chandling experience a pleasant hassle-free one that meets the needs of captains and crews. You can count on us to be responsible for providing all the necessary services and supplies during your vessel’s stay in port.
Our intention is to meet the maritime industry’s requirements with speed and efficiency at the best possible price. NovaMarine supplies a wide range of technical, consumables and victuals directly to your vessel. We are the experts who make your life at sea better.
Chandling experts
Fast, efficient, reliable
As an established chandling company with many years of experience, we can assist you with
- Technical supplies for ships or rigs
- Victuals – fresh and frozen
- Tools (deck and engine)
- Office supplies
- Appliances
- Cleaning products / chemicals
- Anti-piracy equipment
- Electrical
- Medical provisions
- Engine spares
- Safety equipment
- Oils and lubricants
Our facilities
Our operations are run from a centrally located warehouse. The company offers a full range of local and imported dry and perishable provisions, bonded, deck and technical stores.
Cost-effective clearing and forwarding services
We have an efficient and cost-effective in-house clearing and forwarding division that handles the customs clearing of all goods and spare parts received, as well as spares and goods dispatched to foreign destinations.
- Quality products
- Competitive prices and professional service
- Reliability and expert advice
NovaMarine accreditations
Providing the best
View our complete Tcertified Due Diligence report here.
We have robust in house anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and insist on transparency in all our dealings. We are TRACE certified.
- Across the board transparency
- Constant lines of communication
- Complete support & documentation
The South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is a formal process of assessing and recognising whether a conformity assessment body that offers services is competent to provide such services.
NovaMarine’s fire station is SANAS accredited which allows for high pressure testing and inspections.